Saturday, January 15, 2005

Advertising Information

Advertise in the Filipino-American Bulletin Newspaper

Display Advertising Space Rates

Rate per Column Inch: $12.00

FULL PAGE (black & white): $950. [one-time rate]

FULL PAGE (four colors): $1,650. + $200 color surcharge [one-time rate]

Half-page: $750

One-third page (black & white): $550

One-fourth page: $330

Mechanical Specifications

Broad Sheet measuring 12 7/8” WIDE x 20.5” DEEP

Six (6) Columns with each column measuring 2” wide

Space between columns is 1/8”

Please send ad lay-outs electronically in jpeg format to:

Publication Frequency: Monthly; issued within the first week of the month

Submission Cut-Off Date for camera-ready materials: 27th of the Month

2006 Base Circulation throughout Western Washington: 12,200