Friday, December 1, 2006

Sen. Akaka authors legislation to provide special immigrant status to sons and daughters of Filipino WW II veterans

Vows priority for S. 4070 in next Congress

U.S.Senator Daniel Akaka, principal author of the legislation to amend the Senate immigration bill to provide special immigrant status to sons and daughters of Filipino WW II veterans, greets Commander Amador Montero of the Seattle-based Filipino War Veterans of Washington (FWVW) and other Filipino WW II veterans. He was main spreaker with U.S. Rep. Bob Filner at the planning conference hosted by the Philippine Embassy and the National Federation of Filipino-American Associations (NaFFAA) in Washington D.C. Looking on are Ambassador Will Gaa, FWVW Historian Greg Garcia, and IDIC Executive Director and veterans' advocate Sluggo Rigor.

WWII Maj. Albert Bacani (ret.), 96, of the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, greets Sen. Daniel Akaka, incoming chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee as Ms. Loida Nicolas-Lewis looks on.

Veterans at the planning conference pose with U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, author of S. 4070 (seated center). ACFV veterans led by Pat Ganio, 86, Franco Arcebal, 83, Amador Montero, 89, are shown with with NaFFAA leaders Ernie Ramos, National Chair Alma Kern, Armando Heredia and Philippine Ambassador Willy Gaa. (E. Lachica photo)

WWII vets: Regino Nacua (SF), Joaquin Tejada (DC) and Simplicio Yoma (SF) and Loida Nicolas-Lewis prepare to meet with Sen. Charles Schumer's aide in his Hart Senate office to discuss the Family Reunification and Equity bills.

ACFV Photos from the Dec. 6, 2006 Embassy-NaFFAA Planning Conference